[教學]GetURL AS3.0的寫法@ 馬米思個人紀錄站:: 痞客邦PIXNET :: 2009年8月21日 - 教學說明:由於原本在AS2.0的動作中,要連結網址,只需要在按鈕上寫下以下語法 on (release) { getURL("http://bluey2p2.myweb.hinet.n.
as3 | 【飛肯設計學苑】教學與分享 ActionScript 範例下載– 奶綠茶「XML電子相薄」photoGallery · ActionScript 範例下載- ... ActionScript 範例下載– Flash XML 選單設計範例– 簡易版 · ActionScript 範例 ...
分類:《Actionscript3.0 - 梅問題‧教學網【Minwt】 透過Flash載入外部圖檔,已被廣泛的使用,它的便利性與好處,相信不用梅干再多加著墨,各位應該都很清楚, 但當載入外部的圖 ... [AS3]重覆背景底圖充滿整個畫面.
[AS3]載入外部圖檔與Loading | 梅問題‧教學網【Minwt】 2010年3月8日 - 透過Flash載入外部圖檔,已被廣泛的使用,它的便利性與好處,相信不用梅干再多加著墨,各位應該都很清楚, 但當載入外部的圖檔太大時,畫面則 ...
設計×生活.web: AS3.0入門教學之ㄧ- yam天空部落 2008年12月22日 - 最近報名了補習班開始學了AS3.0老師說與AS2.0完全不一樣的東西一般 ... Stage類別-Stage代表顯示整個Flash內容區域,Stage物件未提供全域存 ...
wonderfl build flash online wonderfl build flash online. wonderfl is a free, online, Flash IDE and community. Write Actionscript3 in your browser, and see it move. ... wonderfl book: Start ActionScript3.0 with Your Browser, for Free Official wonderfl book for Actionscript beginners
ActionScript.org Flash, Flex and ActionScript Community - Tutorials, Support, Open Source & More ActionScript.org is the premier ActionScript developer community online for Flash and Flex users. One of the largest such sites in the world, ActionScript.org caters for designers and developers at all skill levels. The site includes thousands of tutorial
Exploring Flash Player support for high-definition H.264 video and AAC audio | Adobe Developer Conne Incorporate MPEG-4 video and HE-AAC audio content and associated metadata into your projects for playback in Flash Player 9 Update. ... Test your movie in the browser. The audio should begin to play, with the volume level at about half of what it was orig
kirupa.com - Flash and ActionScript Tutorials Learn how to use Flash to create everything from simple animations to complicated ActionScript-based projects by following the easy-to-learn tutorials found on this page. ... Creating high-quality content is a team effort that takes a boatload of time. If
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